Dieting and the Gluten-Free Dilemma

Dieting and the Gluten-Free Dilemma

This month, I thought I would give one of my respected colleagues, Kyle Arsenault from Top Fitness, an opportunity to be a guest blogger on my site. I have been working with the Top Fitness team for four years and could not be happier with the fitness results! Kyle...
Massage Therapy for Concussions?

Massage Therapy for Concussions?

I get asked a lot about massage therapy for concussions. It’s actually not quite massage, but there is a type of manual bodywork called Craniosacral Therapy. Many people don’t know what this is, or how important it can be to alleviating concussion symptoms. Here are...
How often should I get a massage?

How often should I get a massage?

This is a follow-up to a blog I wrote a few years ago. After so many years as a massage therapist, the most common question I hear is still, “How often should I get a massage?” The answer actually isn’t simple. Massage for the healthy As a general rule, if you are a...