Benefits of Lymph Drainage Therapy: Sinus Relief

Benefits of Lymph Drainage Therapy: Sinus Relief

Lymph Drainage Therapy (LDT), or Manual Lymphatic Drainage is the process of using gentle manual sequenced movements with the intent to help the Lymph system drain its stores of waste out of your body. When your Lymph system is not flowing correctly, it doesn’t take...
Adding Pilates to Your Workout Routine

Adding Pilates to Your Workout Routine

Whether you’re a marathon runner or trying to get out of a workout rut with a new fitness routine, it’s important to incorporate exercises that strengthen your core. Pilates is a complete mind-body method of physical conditioning that focuses on the core of the body....
Massage Therapy for Piriformis Syndrome

Massage Therapy for Piriformis Syndrome

We’ve all felt it at some point…that awful ache and tingling in the buttocks and lower back. Sometimes it shoots right down your leg to behind the knee. If you suffer from Piriformis Syndrome, you understand better than any of us what a struggle it can be! We’re going...
Stopping Personal Body Shaming

Stopping Personal Body Shaming

Last year I wrote a blog about body image and self esteem. Most of us are our own worst critics, and that’s fine. But we should be very careful about how we talk about ourselves in front of our children! I have a beautiful 5-year-old daughter and a 10-year-old son....