Couple’s Workshop: “Getting the Love You Want.”

Couple’s Workshop: “Getting the Love You Want.”

“Til Death do us part…” Is it time to attend a couples workshop? Till death…that’s a long time! Most of us enter into marriage thinking we have found “the one,” and that there is no way we are going to get a divorce. Then, the honeymoon phase ends—pretty quickly, I...
My Logo: The Symbol of the Seventh Chakra

My Logo: The Symbol of the Seventh Chakra

While I was in massage therapy school in 2000, I decided to explore yoga. I have always had difficulty relaxing. I can remember after my first yoga class experiencing the most peace and presence I have ever felt in my life. I felt like I was looking at the world...
Athletic Recovery: One Size Does Not Fit All

Athletic Recovery: One Size Does Not Fit All

Recently one of my clients asked me to write about athletic recovery. In my fourteen years as a massage therapist, I have seen many athletes, particularly triathletes (for the laymen: a triathlete is someone who participates in races that consist of consecutive...
Spring has Sprung: Time for a 10-Day Detox

Spring has Sprung: Time for a 10-Day Detox

I got some great feedback on my blog “A Bad Case of the Winter Blues.” This was by no means written for people to feel sorry for me or think I am nuts (which I am, so go ahead and think that!). But I did want to be a little bit vulnerable so that if any readers were...
The Enforcer

The Enforcer

(There were some website errors that made this blog unable to be viewed, so I’m posting it again!) Brace yourselves…I’m going to bring up an uncomfortable topic: appointment cancellations and no-show fees. I’m a very caring person, and it makes me sad when people miss...