Lymphatic Drainage Therapy for The Winter Months

Lymphatic Drainage Therapy for The Winter Months

For many individuals, the winter months bring with them an increase in seasonal illnesses like colds and flu, sinus infections, congestion, respiratory complaints, and more. Lymphatic drainage therapy (LDT) is a way to reduce the incidence of these complaints....
Olive is all Love

Olive is all Love

Growing up I did not have any pets. To be honest, I always thought pet people, dog people in particular were kind of weird. I never thought I was going to get a dog. I was told I was allergic at an early age so I didn’t think it was an option, unless I paid for a...
My Kundalini Meditation Practice

My Kundalini Meditation Practice

In January of 2018, I attended a workshop at Kripalu called Your Body Keeps the Score. I thought it was going to provide me with relaxation techniques to help manage my symptoms of PTSD. Boy was I mistaken! It was a great informative workshop and it opened my eyes to...
Self-Care for Back Pain

Self-Care for Back Pain

As a massage therapist, 95% of my clients come in reporting pain somewhere on or very close to the spine. I have spent many years studying modalities to provide the best bodywork I can, but it will take much more than a massage to get rid of the pain. I became a...
Rate increase for 2019

Rate increase for 2019

I have thought about this for months going back and forth on whether or not I should increase the prices for my manual therapy services. Why would I do such a thing? I have been practicing massage therapy since 2001. Did you know that manual therapists learn most of...