
How often should I get a massage?
This is a follow-up to a blog I wrote a few years ago. After so many years as a massage therapist, the most common question I hear is still, “How often should I get a massage?” The answer actually isn’t simple. Massage for the healthy As a general rule, if you are a...

Massage Therapist Tips: All stretching is NOT created equal
As a Massage Therapist, I am constantly observing the bodies of people around me. I watch a person’s gait as they walk, how they hold their shoulders, if they walk with a limp…I could go on and on. One location where I try to avoid watching people is at the gym,...

Feeling Brave? Try an Electronics Detox in the New Year
Happy 2016! Another year has gone by, and it seems that each year is passing faster than the last! This blog about trying an electronics detox is a follow up to one I wrote in November of 2013 called, “Is the Zombie Apocalypse here? Social Media Overload.” People are...

Sympathy, Empathy, and the Psychology of Massage Therapy
There are often some misconceptions about the differences between sympathy and empathy. Empathy is the ability to feel and relate to another person’s story. Sympathy has its place, but there is usually a lack of perspective or shared emotions. In my practice, I have...

STOTT Pilates: The Best Corrective Exercise for Posture
I am beginning my STOTT Pilates certification process in January of 2016. Whenever I mention this to people, some will ask me if I want to teach Pilates while also doing massage therapy. Others will just say, “I hate Pilates.” The truth is, before I discovered STOTT...

Breast Massage: A Healing Touch
Breast massage in Merrimack, NH I have been completing courses through the Chikly Health Institute. I am blown away by the knowledge I gained about the lymphatic system and how to manually move lymph throughout the entire body, particularly in breast tissue. Lymph...

Jaw Massage: Tension Relief From the Inside Out
Jaw massage? Who needs that? Pretty much everyone, actually. In our fast-paced society, there are a lot of stressors that cause us to clench our jaws or grind our teeth without even realizing it. Sometimes we do it while we’re sleeping, but oftentimes it’s just a...

Couple’s Workshop: “Getting the Love You Want.”
“Til Death do us part…” Is it time to attend a couples workshop? Till death…that’s a long time! Most of us enter into marriage thinking we have found “the one,” and that there is no way we are going to get a divorce. Then, the honeymoon phase ends—pretty quickly, I...

My Logo: The Symbol of the Seventh Chakra
While I was in massage therapy school in 2000, I decided to explore yoga. I have always had difficulty relaxing. I can remember after my first yoga class experiencing the most peace and presence I have ever felt in my life. I felt like I was looking at the world...

Athletic Recovery: One Size Does Not Fit All
Recently one of my clients asked me to write about athletic recovery. In my fourteen years as a massage therapist, I have seen many athletes, particularly triathletes (for the laymen: a triathlete is someone who participates in races that consist of consecutive...