
Lymph Drainage Therapy Benefits Part 1: Sinus Relief
With the weather warming up and summer on its way, more people will be outside enjoying the weather. That also means allergy season and sinus issues are on the rise. Did you know that Lymph Drainage Therapy can help with that? Lymph Drainage Therapy for Sinus Relief...

Three Common Massage Myths
#1 The Deeper the Pressure, the better Muscle release. I like to think of my approach as Deep Enough Tissue Massage. It’s not a matter of if you can “take it,” it’s a matter of what’s the most effective approach. If your nervous system feels like it is under attack,...

Lymphatic Drainage Therapy for The Winter Months
For many individuals, the winter months bring with them an increase in seasonal illnesses like colds and flu, sinus infections, congestion, respiratory complaints, and more. Lymphatic drainage therapy (LDT) is a way to reduce the incidence of these complaints....

Self-Care for Back Pain
As a massage therapist, 95% of my clients come in reporting pain somewhere on or very close to the spine. I have spent many years studying modalities to provide the best bodywork I can, but it will take much more than a massage to get rid of the pain. I became a...

Adding Pilates to Your Workout Routine
By now many of you have already heard, beginning January 1, 2022, we will no longer be offering Integrated Manual Therapy as a standalone service! Integrated Manual Therapy is changing into an Orthopedic Session which will be a combination of manual therapy AND...

Fun, fast, and effective ways to boost your immune system
2020 and 2021 have been a wild ride, to put it mildly. It’s far too easy to get wrapped up in the turbulence of news headlines and social media posts while losing your own inner resources of positivity and self-empowerment. Fear and anxiety seem to be taking over,...

Fascia and you – developing body awareness and creating change
Do you have chronic pain? Do you feel it in one particular spot or has it started in one place and now it feels like it’s affecting other parts of your body? Do you ever wonder about what sitting all day at your desk, which seems to be rather insignificant, does to...

Mindfulness for a Better Massage Experience
I’ve been practicing massage therapy for 20 years now. Over the past few years, and especially in 2020, I’ve noticed that while my clients come to me with the sole purpose of relaxation and rejuvenation, they often bring up anxiety provoking subjects. This is why I...

Fun, fast, and effective ways to boost your immune system
2020 and 2021 have been a wild ride, to put it mildly. It’s far too easy to get wrapped up in the turbulence of news headlines and social media posts while losing your own inner resources of positivity and self-empowerment. Fear and anxiety seem to be taking over,...

Radical Self-Care During COVID-19 Pandemic
What was once seen as an indulgence, self-care activities such as mediation, taking a personal day off of work, or getting a massage are not only acceptable but as research now shows, a recommended part of leading a more positive and healthy life. Especially now...